Skullgirls: Robo-Fortune

Robo-Fortune's goals Use her amazing mobility and beams to keep opponents away; Build heads during zoning for later use; Robo Fortune has amazing mobility, strong zoning, amazing assists and very strong assist punishes but has lackluster offense and the worst defense in the game. Here's the entire voice and sound effects reel for Robo Fortune from Skullgirls Encore. Voice clips start at 1:30.Credits:Beowulf - Kimlinh TranBackground Ar.

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< Skullgirls‎ | Robo-Fortune

Assists this character provides

5HP (default assist)

An armoredlockdown assist

Skullgirls Robo Fortune Quotes

H Theonite Beam


Neutral assist that covers the horizontal portion of the screen in a multi-hitting beam hitbox, but not the lower portion, so it can be crouched under. Probably one of the strongest assists in the game, due to its potential to lock out enemy assists from full screen and force the opponent to either stop what they're doing to avoid the beam, or block it for a decent amount of chip, and fall prey to a potential mix-up. Just about every character in the game can benefit from this assist.

Skullgirls robo fortune combos

M Theonite Beam

Mostly useful as a harassment tool, and works as a faster but less oppressive version of H beam. It's a good assist but since H beam is so good, it tends to get overlooked.


Headrone RAM/Impact/Salvo

Headrone assists are quite different from most assists since you need to have a resource to use it. If you set a headrone special move as an assist, Robo-Fortune will do c.HK and leave the screen if you didn't have a head already. On the next assist call, Robo will do the headrone special move you picked and spend her head. If you picked Headrone Salvo (214 HK) as your assist Robo-Fortune will do c.HK until she has three heads before leaving the screen on the first call, unless she already has three headrones ready. Headrone RAM can be used as a zoning/space control assist but is pretty lackluster. Headrone Impact and Headrone Salvo are much better. Headrone Impact is great since it lingers on the screen for so long and the opponent can do very little to deal with it. It can also be used to create safe mix-ups if you place it in the right spot since the opponent can get hit if they press a button. Headrone Salvo is an amazing assist since it can pretty much do anything you want it to: it controls neutral, works as a defensive assist, puts on amazing pressure or lockdown, and pretty much anything else but damage. However, the fact that three heads have to be summoned means that Robo is very vulnerable during the first assist call.

Assists this character especially benefits from

  • Resource Building: Robo Fortune thrives with assists that let her stockpile her Headdrones in a combo. This greatly expands her utility: damage, space control, resets, and defensive options become more readily accessible.
    • Examples: H A-Train (Big Band), Excellabella (Cerebella)
  • Invincible (DP) assists: Lacking in a reliable reversal, Robo Fortune enjoys assists that can help her repel offensive threats.
    • Examples: L Bomber (Double), M Beat Extend (Big Band, H Hurl (Beowulf), Napalm Pillar (Parasoul), H Fiber (Ms. Fortune)

Skullgirls Robo Fortune Combos

  • Conversions: Robo Fortune has valuable mixup options with her Throw and s.HK, but lacks meterless ways to convert off of them. Likewise, you can turn her space controlling beams into long range combo starters with assists that force the opponent back towards her. Being able to turn a stray beam into offense threatens any opponents approach and forces them to reconsider their movement.
    • Examples: (Assists that do all three) H Bypass (Valentine)
(Assists that best convert from beams) Drag N Bite (Squigly), Cilia Slide (Double)
(s.HK conversion assists) M Nail (Painwheel) M George (Peacock), H Hurl (Beowulf), H Hairball (Filia)
  • Space Control: Bolstering Robo Fortune's already fantastic neutral game is a fail-safe option. These may not do all of the following, but many assists listed prior also contribute in this way.
    • Examples: H Lock n Load or Cerecopter (Cerebella), H Brass (Big Band), H Bypass (Valentine), H Hairball (Filia), L or H Napalm Shot (Parasoul), L Pinion (Painwheel)


  • Catastrophe Cannon (all versions): Cannon is easily one of the best DHC's in the game. All versions are among the highest damage in their respective meter cost. DHC'ing into cannon removes it's lengthy initial startup, making it a frightening punish tool against opponents caught unprepared. Happy birthday combos can result in killing your opponent's assist character while also inflicting heavy damage onto their point character. This DHC alone makes Robo one of the best utility characters.
  • Magnetic Trap: A multipurpose super. This allows Robo to combo off of several supers that otherwise may not allow the point character to follow-up. (Cerebella/s Diamond Dynamo, Eliza's Lady of Slaughter). It also allows Robo to come in an advantageous spot, or makes a blocked reversal super safe. (Parasoul's Sniper > Magnet or Double's Car > Magnet).
  • Systematic Circuit Breaker: Robo Fortune's level 3 removes needing situational setups to keep your reversal/Robo safe. The guaranteed invulnerable frames after activation + impending explosion may force the opponent to re-evaluate their offense.
Skullgirls: Robo-Fortune
Circuit Breaker is one of the best Alpha Counters in the game, as Robo Fortune detonates immediately when AC'd in. Despite it being a powerful DHC tool to shift battle, it's equally strong when she's back in the assist slot after activation.

  • Good DHC Synergy for Robo Fortune: Some notable combinations for Robo Fortune include the following:
    • Robo Fortune Magnet > Painwheel Hatred Install. Trade in Robo's lackluster damage for Painwheel's terrifying damage in install. Robo builds enough meter and buffets the opponent's health enough for most low undizzy Install DHC's to kill by only spending the 2 bars.
    • Parasoul Sniper > Robo Magnet. Makes Robo advantageous when the Sniper shot hits after your Magnet DHC. Classic reversal option.
    • Robo Magnet > any invincible super. Robo may not have a low cost reversal super, but combining it with another character's level one will blow up any opponent trying to disrespect your wakeup options.

Meter management

Skullgirls: Robo-Fortune
Skullgirls 2nd Encore+
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